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Hello! I’m Tracy Garrigan and I’m so glad you are here.
Once upon a time, I was very sick and hopeless. In my own desperate search for help I learned a lot. I learned a lot about the health care system. I learned a lot about myself. Above all, I learned that motivations matter. Whatever brought you here, it is not by chance, and I look forward to knowing you.
My Story.
I was vaccine injured and diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) at around 2 years old. It was the mid 1970’s and most doctors didn’t know about or believe in the connection between auto-immune disease and leaky gut, toxicity and chronic stress.
I grew up trying multiple medications to suppress symptoms of pain, inflammation and my immune system. I lost full use of my wrists and hands and endured experimental surgeries.
In my 20’s Biologic Response Modifiers emerged and were coupled with harsh chemotherapy drugs. Very costly and time-consuming treatments, X-rays and liver function tests became a way of life. Soon came the need for more medications; sleeping pills, anti-depressants, steroids, and pain meds. I was up to 8 prescription medications and feeling worse than ever.
Eventually my body buckled under the toxic load and a neurological meltdown ensued. Unable to sleep and in total body pain, I became bedridden, out of work, hopeless and suicidal. I was afraid to lose my job and health insurance. I was afraid to be a burden to my family. I was afraid I’d never have a “normal” life. But mostly I was afraid that my excruciating, total-body pain would never end.
I became the hot-potato patient no one wanted to be responsible for. Doctors were out of answers. Night after sleepless night the truth began to settle in.
I was the only one responsible for my health.
I was the only one able to heal my body.
Why did I ever believe such a thing could be outsourced?!
It was time to learn how my body worked as a whole interconnected system. It was time to listen to my Soul and my own emotional guidance. It was time to become my own specialist. My life depended on it.
With relentless research I discovered changes I could apply to my diet and lifestyle. It began with the awareness of energy and mindfulness. I then learned the limitations of our food and healthcare systems. I fired all my doctors and sought help outside my insurance plan. I found the brightest minds in Naturopathic Medicine and Functional Medicine to teach me how to harness the natural healing powers of my body.
I learned that self-care came down to asking myself one simple question:
“Is this ( fill in the blank ) healthy for me?”
Much needed to change and it wouldn’t happen overnight. Immersed in my own process of creating health I became the go-to expert for friends, family and co-workers.
If I didn’t have the answer, I knew the resource to finding it.
Finally I made the decision to go to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. There I was, in my late 30’s, leaving a successful career in the worst economic climate of our time to pursue a path no one had yet heard of,
Health Coaching.
It was the best decision I’ve ever made.
Helping others create happy, healthy and empowered lives is more than my job it’s my purpose. I remain prescription free, pain free, and more full of joy than ever.
I look forward to helping you do the same.
Training & Experience
For almost 10 years, Tracy has coached private clients around the world remotely. She has delivered performance nutrition programs to fitness facilities, corporate wellness programs to people in the workplace, and created content that helps digital platforms deliver nutrition and health education to the masses. Tracy has mentored numerous other coaches and nutritionists, consulting on books and coaching programs. In the last 5 years she has partnered with Functional Medicine practitioners to offer Functional Nutrition and Health Coaching to hundreds of patients for improved compliance and health outcomes.
Tracy recommends individualized nutrition and lifestyle programs focusing on biologically appropriate diet principles to aid clients in losing weight, gaining energy, and pursuing continued health. She is a firm believer that everyone is different and will tailor the plan for each and every individual. Through this work, Tracy aims to meld the wisdom of traditional cultures with the latest science in Integrative and Functional Medicine to create plans for her clients that work in the modern world.
Board Certified as a Holistic Health Coach with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in 2011
Certified in Sports and Exercise Nutrition with Precision Nutrition in 2012.
Certified in First Line Therapy as a Lifestyle Medicine Educator with Metagenics Institute in 2013
Certified as a Behavior Change Specialist with the American Council on Exercise in 2016.
Tracy Garrigan remains an ambassador for the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. If you would like to speak about her experience with them or have any questions around their Certification program please reach out.
What People Are Saying
“After my cancer diagnosis, I didn't know what to eat and my doctors gave me generic, even conflicting nutrition advice. Working with Tracy has changed my life! The ongoing support, knowledge and encouragement during my difficult journey to improve my health has been transformative. I now feel like I have much more control over my health and well being.”
— Jordana R.
“This experience has enlightened me as to just how healthy I wasn’t!”
— Danielle S.
““The best thing about this has been the realistic approach and mindset achieved. Since working with Tracy, my body composition has shifted dramatically and I've come to understand the importance of eating a more appropriate diet.”
— Adrien F,
“Tracy helped me with my diet and suggested foods to avoid in order to feel better. She is lovely and knowledgeable. Best money I've ever spent! My stomach pain and pre-cancerous esophageal issue are gone!!”
— April J,

Motivation comes from within.
I’m here to help you find it.
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